Manitou Springs警告居民山狮活动增加并提供安全提示。 Manitou Springs warns residents of increased mountain lion activity and provides safety tips.
科罗拉多州Manitou Springs的山狮活动呈上升趋势,促使该市就安全措施向居民提供建议。 Manitou Springs, Colorado, has seen a rise in mountain lion activity, prompting the city to advise residents on safety measures. 提示包括让宠物和儿童靠近,避免鹿喂养,以及使用运动探测灯。 Tips include keeping pets and children close, avoiding deer feeding, and using motion-detecting lights. 如果遇到山狮,保持平静,看起来更大,如果受到威胁,保护自己,并报告目击情况。 If encountering a mountain lion, remain calm, appear larger, and if threatened, defend yourself and report the sighting.