路易斯安那州州长兰德里在豪宅上 悬挂MAGA国旗 邀请州居民为特朗普的就职典礼致敬 Louisiana Governor Landry to fly MAGA flag at mansion, inviting state residents to honor Trump's inauguration.
路易斯安那州州长杰夫·兰德里(Jeff Landry)将在州长官邸悬挂“让美国再次壮大”(MAGA)的国旗, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry will fly the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) flag at the governor's mansion in honor of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. Landry邀请路易斯安那人与他一同在成立日升起MAGA国旗。 Landry invited Louisianans to join him in raising the MAGA flag on Inauguration Day. 这一决定与Joe Biden总统下令将国旗降为半工作人员的命令形成鲜明对比,后者贯穿1月28日。 This decision comes amid a contrast with President Joe Biden's order to lower flags to half-staff, which runs through Jan. 28. 其他几位州长也承诺提高美国国旗以纪念特朗普的就职典礼。 Several other governors have also pledged to raise U.S. flags to honor Trump's inauguration.