肯尼亚政治人物Timothy Bosire以缺乏协商为由拒绝担任运输委员会主席。 Kenyan politician Timothy Bosire rejects transport board chair role, citing lack of consultation.
肯尼亚政治家Timothy Bosire以缺乏协商为由,拒绝任命William Ruto总统担任国家运输和安全局理事会主席。 Kenyan politician Timothy Bosire has declined President William Ruto's appointment to chair the National Transport and Safety Authority Board, citing lack of consultation. 在此之前,其他几次高调拒绝国家任命,在国民议会引发辩论,讨论提名程序,以及需要改进审查和咨询,然后才能发挥作用。 This follows several other high-profile rejections of state appointments, sparking debate in the National Assembly about nomination processes and the need for better vetting and consultation before offering roles.