James Adams 已经入狱 被控帮助Austin Schepers 在一名副警长中枪后躲避警方 James Adams, already in jail, is charged with helping Austin Schepers evade police after a deputy was shot.
James Adams 37岁 被指控涉嫌协助Austin Schepers 他于1月3日开枪打伤了Orange县副手Zac Andry James Adams, 37, has been charged for allegedly aiding Austin Schepers, who shot and injured Orange County Deputy Zac Andry on January 3. Schepers逃到新奥尔巴尼,他在那里与亚当斯联系,亚当斯已经因无关的指控而入狱。 Schepers fled to New Albany, where he contacted Adams, who was already in jail on unrelated charges. Adams被指控帮助Schepers逃避执法,逃到Louisville,Schepers后来在一次与警察的枪战中被杀。 Adams is accused of helping Schepers evade law enforcement and escape to Louisville, where Schepers was later killed in a shootout with police. 另一名个人Victoria Howard也因协助Schepers被捕。 Another individual, Victoria Howard, has also been arrested for assisting Schepers.