印度金融情报室和住房银行伙伴打击洗钱和资助恐怖主义行为。 India's Financial Intelligence Unit and Housing Bank partner to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.
印度金融情报股和国家住房银行签署了一项协定,促进打击洗钱和资助恐怖主义行为的合作,特别是在住房筹资部门。 The Financial Intelligence Unit and the National Housing Bank in India have signed an agreement to boost cooperation against money laundering and terrorism financing, especially in the housing finance sector. 这包括建立沟通渠道、开展培训和评估风险。 This includes setting up communication channels, conducting training, and assessing risks. 季度会议将审查进展情况并讨论金融犯罪的趋势。 Quarterly meetings will review progress and discuss financial crime trends.