加拿大的 Fintrac 使用 AI 实时升级技术以打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资。 Canada's Fintrac upgrades tech to fight money laundering, terrorist financing in real-time using AI.
加拿大金融情报机构Fintrac正在更新其技术,以便提供实时信息,帮助打击洗钱和资助恐怖主义行为。 Canada's financial intelligence agency, Fintrac, is upgrading its technology to provide real-time information to help combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Fintrac通过使用人工智能和自动化等现代工具,旨在迅速查明非法金融活动,特别是与人口贩运有关的活动。 By using modern tools like AI and automation, Fintrac aims to quickly identify illicit financial activities, especially those related to human trafficking. 该机构每年分析数百万个数据点,并与联邦合作伙伴合作,加快瓦解犯罪网络的进程。 The agency analyzes millions of data points annually and collaborates with federal partners to speed up the process of disrupting criminal networks.