伊利诺伊州最高法院审理了质疑州隐藏的携带许可证违宪性的案件。 Illinois Supreme Court hears case challenging state's concealed carry licenses' constitutionality.
伊利诺伊州最高法院正在审理关于国家隐藏的携带许可证和公开携带禁令合宪性的论点。 The Illinois Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the state's concealed carry licenses and open carry bans. Tyshon Thompson以美国最高法院的布鲁恩裁决为由, 质疑隐蔽携带法违宪, Tyshon Thompson challenged the concealed carry law as unconstitutional, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's Bruen decision, which deemed may-issue licenses unconstitutional. 国家辩称,法律是应该存在的问题,因此符合宪法。 The state argues the law is shall-issue and thus constitutional. 该案可能会影响到地方政府如何管理全国范围内隐藏的携带许可证。 The case could impact how local governments regulate concealed carry permits statewide.