加纳面临投资者风险;美国推动货币基金组织援助美国公司,可能影响加纳今后的援助。 Ghana faces investor risks; U.S. pushes IMF aid for American firms, may affect Ghana's future aid.
外国企业与加纳签定合约时未充分评估该国政治风险, 警告非洲IMANI副主席Bright Simons, Foreign businesses are entering contracts with Ghana without fully assessing the country's political risks, warns Bright Simons, Vice President of IMANI-Africa. 他举了Zipline的无人机医疗服务的例子,尽管政府给予支持,但这种服务仍面临可持续性问题。 He points to the example of Zipline's medical drone services, which faced sustainability issues despite government support. Simons警告说,忽视加纳的当地政治经济可能会使外国投资者难以收回债务。 Simons cautions that ignoring Ghana's local political economy could make it difficult for foreign investors to recover debts. 美国现在敦促货币基金组织协助向美国公司付款,这有可能影响加纳今后获得援助的资格。 The U.S. is now urging the IMF to assist in paying American companies, potentially impacting Ghana's future aid eligibility.