包括帕特里斯·梅森在内的来自佛蒙特州的五人因帮助斯科特·梅森在枪杀一名警察上尉后被捕。 Five people from Vermont, including Patrice Mason, arrested for helping Scott Mason after he shot a police captain.
来自佛蒙特州圣约翰斯伯里(St. Johnsbury)的5个人,包括帕特里斯·梅森(Patrice Mason)和其他4个人,因协助斯科特·梅森(Scott Mason)被捕,后者在12月的一次家庭电话中向警察队长Jason Gray开枪。 Five individuals from St. Johnsbury, Vermont, including Patrice Mason and four others, have been arrested for aiding Scott Mason, who shot police captain Jason Gray during a domestic call in December. Patrice Mason面临最严重的指控,包括协助犯下重罪和过失储存枪支。 Patrice Mason faces the most severe charges, including aiding in a felony and negligent storage of a gun. 其他人被指控为配件。 The others were charged with being accessories. Scott Mason于12月15日被捕,被控谋杀未遂和严重攻击一名警察。 Scott Mason was captured on Dec. 15 and is charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault on a police officer.