埃尔帕索警方报告在市中心附近的西10号公路发生了车祸, El Paso police report a crash on I-10 West near downtown, closing all westbound lanes.
El Paso警方报告说,1月18日凌晨2点前,I-10 West市中心附近发生坠毁事件。 El Paso police report a crash on I-10 West near downtown, occurring just before 2 a.m. on January 18. 特别交通调查股正在调查,但关于车辆和受伤人数的详细资料尚未提供。 The Special Traffic Investigations Unit is investigating, but details on the number of vehicles and injuries are not yet available. 市中心出口处所有西行道都关闭,没有估计清关时间。 All westbound lanes at the downtown exit are closed, with no estimated clearing time. 故事正在发展之中,将在获得更多信息后提供最新资料。 The story is developing, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.