美国司法部起诉 Walgreens 涉嫌自 2012 年以来填写数百万张不当处方,理由是利润高于安全。 DOJ sues Walgreens for allegedly filling millions of improper prescriptions since 2012, citing profit over safety.
美国司法部对Walgreens提起诉讼,指控药店链自2012年起明知故犯地填写数以百万计的处方,没有合法医疗目的。 The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Walgreens, accusing the pharmacy chain of knowingly filling millions of prescriptions without legitimate medical purposes from 2012 onwards. 司法部称,Walgreens将利润置于安全之上,导致类阿片和其他受管制物质的分配不当。 The DOJ claims Walgreens prioritized profits over safety, leading to the improper distribution of opioids and other controlled substances. Walgreens质疑这些指控,并计划在法庭上为其做法辩护。 Walgreens contests the allegations and plans to defend its practices in court.