CVS 药房面临美国司法部指控非法阿片制剂的法律诉讼。 CVS Pharmacy faces U.S. Justice Department lawsuit over alleged illegal opioid dispensing.
美国司法部指控CVS非法提供类阿片和其他受管制药物的药剂,违反了《受管制物质法》和《虚假索赔法》。 The U.S. Department of Justice has accused CVS Pharmacy of illegally dispensing opioids and other controlled substances, violating the Controlled Substances Act and the False Claims Act. 在罗得岛提起的诉讼称,CVS通过填充危险数量的类阿片、早期再填充物和危险药物组合,将利润比病人安全优先。 The lawsuit, filed in Rhode Island, alleges that CVS prioritized profits over patient safety by filling dangerous quantities of opioids, early refills, and risky drug combinations. CVS否认这些指控,并发誓对诉讼进行辩护。 CVS denies the allegations and vows to defend itself against the lawsuit.