客户在Kidlington Sainsbury被盗后感到不安全; Customers feel unsafe at Kidlington Sainsbury's after thefts; police release suspect image.
在牛津郡Kicklington的客户在当地的Sainsbury发生多起盗窃事件后感到不安全,导致警方上诉。 Customers in Kidlington, Oxfordshire, are feeling unsafe after multiple theft incidents at the local Sainsbury's, leading to police appeals. 一起事件涉及一个被偷的钱包,用来在别处购买物品,促使嫌疑人的形象得到释放。 One incident involved a stolen purse used to make purchases elsewhere, prompting the release of a suspect's image. Sainsbury的回答是, 客户安全是他们的首要任务, 并实施了监视器和其他安保人员等安全措施。 Sainsbury's has responded, saying customer safety is their top priority and has implemented security measures like CCTV and additional security personnel.