科罗拉多州议会以安全为由 在立法者误用枪支后 禁止枪支进入州议会 Colorado bans guns in State Capitol, citing safety, after lawmakers mishandled firearms.
科罗拉多州立法者已无法再将枪支带入州国会, Colorado lawmakers can no longer bring guns into the State Capitol under a new law that restricts firearms in "sensitive spaces" like government buildings, schools, and polling places. 本月生效的禁令是荣誉制度的一部分 没有额外的安全措施 Effective this month, the ban is part of an honor system without additional security measures. 它是在几起立法者滥用火器的事件之后推出的。 It was introduced after several incidents of lawmakers mishandling firearms. 一些共和党立法者认为,它侵犯了他们携带武器的宪法权利。 Some Republican lawmakers argue it violates their constitutional rights to bear arms.