中国的CRBC否认贿赂指控, 在巴基斯坦水坝工程争议中声称伪造信件。 China's CRBC denies bribery allegations, claims fake letter in dispute over Pakistan dam project.
中国公路桥梁公司(CRBC)否认关于它在迪拜向参与巴基斯坦Sukkur Barrage项目的官员提供豪华公寓的指控。 The China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) denies allegations that it offered a luxury apartment in Dubai to officials involved in the Sukkur Barrage Project in Pakistan. CRBC声称,网上散发的一封假信旨在损害他们的声誉并要求进行法律调查。 CRBC claims a fake letter circulated online aims to damage their reputation and calls for a legal investigation. 同时,该公司及其伙伴HBSZ-JV指控项目主任索要贿赂,包括一间高档公寓,威胁要暂停关键的供水项目。 Meanwhile, the company and its partner, HBSZ-JV, accuse a project director of demanding a bribe, including a high-end apartment, threatening to suspend the vital water supply project.