斯利那加调查员在智能城项目中调查滥用和挪用建筑材料。 Investigators in Srinagar probe misuse and misappropriation of construction materials in the Smart City project.
印度斯利那加的反腐败局正在调查斯利那加智能城项目中对挪用和滥用建筑材料的指控。 The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in Srinagar, India, is investigating allegations of misappropriation and misuse of construction materials in the Srinagar Smart City project. 已经启动了两项初步调查:一项调查涉及诸如Devari石块和路径砖等下落不明或非法出售的材料,另一项调查涉及使用不符合标准的材料,影响到项目质量。 Two preliminary inquiries have been launched: one for the unaccounted or illegally sold materials like Devari stones and path tiles, and another for the use of substandard materials, affecting project quality. 官员涉嫌绕过关键程序,有损标准。 Officials are suspected of bypassing key procedures, compromising standards.