加拿大银行承认在明确传达大流行病政策和通货膨胀预测方面失败。 Bank of Canada admits failure in clearly communicating pandemic policies and inflation forecasts.
加拿大银行的内部审查表明,它没有明确地宣传其与流行病有关的措施,特别是在从非常行动中撤出的战略方面。 The Bank of Canada's internal review reveals it fell short in clearly communicating its pandemic-related measures, particularly regarding the exit strategy from extraordinary actions. 该银行低估了2021年和2022年的通货膨胀率,并计划改进未来的沟通,特别是围绕大规模资产采购和关于利率的远期指导意见进行沟通。 The bank underestimated the inflation strength in 2021 and 2022 and plans to improve future communication, especially around large-scale asset purchases and forward guidance on interest rates. 审查还强调了造成通货膨胀的若干因素,包括这一流行病的独特影响、俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以及消费者行为的变化。 The review also highlighted several factors contributing to inflation, including the pandemic's unique impacts, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and changes in consumer behavior.