阿塞拜疆和卢旺达举行了第一次政治磋商,以加强联系与合作。 Azerbaijan and Rwanda hold first political consultations to boost ties and cooperation.
阿塞拜疆和卢旺达举行了第一次政治协商,旨在加强双边联系,探索贸易、投资和教育等领域的合作。 Azerbaijan and Rwanda held their first political consultations, aiming to strengthen bilateral ties and explore cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and education. 会议由阿塞拜疆外交部副部长雅尔钦·拉菲耶夫主持,还访问了基加利种族灭绝纪念馆。 The meeting, led by Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister Yalcin Rafiyev, also included a visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial. 两国同意在先前的签证豁免协定基础上进行定期磋商。 The two countries agreed to regular consultations, building on a previous visa waiver agreement.