阿塞拜疆外交部长与塞尔维亚会晤,以加强贸易、能源和旅游领域的合作。 Azerbaijan's foreign minister meets Serbia to enhance cooperation in trade, energy, and tourism.
阿塞拜疆外交部长杰伊洪·拜拉莫夫在贝尔格莱德会见了塞尔维亚官员,讨论了在贸易、能源和旅游业方面加强合作的问题。 Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov met with Serbian officials in Belgrade, discussing enhanced cooperation in trade, energy, and tourism. 两国正在加强关系,包括免签证制度和直接空中连接计划。 Both countries are strengthening ties, including a visa-free regime and plans for direct air connections. 它们还在国际组织中相互支持,并讨论该区域的冲突后重建与和平努力。 They also support each other in international organizations and discussed post-conflict reconstruction and peace efforts in the region. 会议强调了绿色能源和贸易方面的战略伙伴关系和未来协作的潜力。 The meeting highlighted the strategic partnership and potential for future collaboration in green energy and trade.