Zomato为雇员开办了一个高端健康中心,但面临对交付伙伴福利的关切。 Zomato launches a high-end wellness center for employees, but faces concerns over delivery partner benefits.
Zomato在其Gurugram总部开设了一个健康中心,向雇员及其家属提供冷冻疗法和高压氧治疗等先进疗法。 Zomato has opened a wellness center at its Gurugram headquarters offering advanced therapies like cryotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to employees and their families. 该公司还提供内部心理健康小组,一个大型健身房,以及包括请假和不分性别的育儿假在内的政策。 The company also provides an in-house mental health team, a large gym, and policies including period leave and gender-neutral parental leave. 200多名雇员定期使用该设施,但有些雇员对交付伙伴的公平工资和健康保险表示关切。 Over 200 employees use the facility regularly, but some have raised concerns about fair wages and health insurance for delivery partners.