美国女性Aimee Betro被控阴谋谋杀英国店主, 在伯明翰受审。 US woman Aimee Betro charged with conspiracy to murder UK shop owner, faces trial in Birmingham.
美国妇女Aimee Betro被控在2019年阴谋谋杀伯明翰商店店主及其家人。 A US woman, Aimee Betro, is charged with conspiracy to murder a Birmingham shop owner and his family members in 2019. Betro,来自威斯康星州,在亚美尼亚被捕,并被引渡到联合王国。 Betro, from Wisconsin, was arrested in Armenia and extradited to the UK. 她还将面临有关持有火器和进口弹药的指控。 She will also face charges related to firearm possession and importing ammunition. 指控来自一起暗杀未遂案 一名雇佣枪手的枪没有开火 The charges stem from an attempted assassination where a hired shooter's gun failed to fire. Betro准备在伯明翰治安法院出庭。 Betro is set to appear in Birmingham Magistrates' Court.