Tarell Lewis在Nashville被捕,罪名是射杀一个人的脚踝、持有毒品和持枪犯罪。 Tarell Lewis arrested in Nashville for shooting a man's ankle, drug possession, and being a felon with a weapon.
Tarell Lewis, 43岁,在纳什维尔被捕,原因是去年10月发生了一起枪击事件,据称他与女友争吵后开枪击中一名男子的脚踝。 Tarell Lewis, 43, has been arrested in Nashville in connection with a shooting last October where he allegedly shot a man's ankle after an argument with his girlfriend. Lewis被发现从事毒品交易并拥有大麻。 Lewis was found making drug deals and in possession of marijuana. 他被指控犯有严重攻击罪、轻率危害罪、持有重罪毒品罪,并是拥有武器的重罪犯,为释放他准备了157 500美元的保释金。 He is charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, felony drug possession, and being a felon in possession of a weapon, with a $157,500 bond set for his release.