19岁的Tarcus Wilkes 在Jackson和TN上被捕 开枪打死一名幼儿 打伤四人 Tarcus Wilkes, 19, arrested over Jackson, TN, shooting that killed a toddler and injured four others.
19岁的嫌疑人Tarcus Wilkes因与在田纳西州Jackson发生的枪击事件有关而被捕。 枪击事件造成一名2岁儿童死亡,4人受伤。 Tarcus Wilkes, a 19-year-old suspect, was arrested in connection with a shooting in Jackson, Tennessee, that killed a two-year-old and injured four others. Wilkes面临6项一级谋杀未遂罪和1项重罪谋杀罪。 Wilkes faces six counts of attempted first-degree murder and one count of felony murder. 他是被捕的第三名嫌疑人;Javon Peterson和DeAndre Perry此前曾被拘押。 He is the third suspect arrested; Javon Peterson and DeAndre Perry were previously taken into custody. 枪击发生于11月26日华莱士路。 The shooting occurred on Wallace Road on November 26. 区检察官办公室将处理起诉事宜。 The District Attorney’s Office will handle the prosecution.