Metlink测试显示惠灵顿的公交车为2026年的电动公交车推出做准备, Metlink tests articulated buses in Wellington to prep for 2026 electric bus rollout, offering more capacity.
新西兰惠灵顿的Metlink正在对1月23日至24日在2号公路上行驶的公交车进行第二次审判,测试基础设施、停车、收费和培训需要。 Metlink in Wellington, New Zealand, is running a second trial of articulated buses on Route 2 from January 23-24 to test infrastructure, parking, charging, and training needs. 审判的目的是利用从奥克兰借来的一辆公共汽车,准备在2026年采用电动客车,这将提供65%的容量。 Using a borrowed bus from Auckland, the trial aims to prepare for the introduction of electric articulated buses in 2026, which will offer 65% more capacity. 由于该路线的隧道大小限制,选用有电的公共汽车,而不是选用双层公共汽车。 Articulated buses are chosen over double-deckers due to tunnel size restrictions on the route.