奥克兰西北部已准备好拥抱快速交通。 Auckland’s northwest ready to embrace rapid transit.
最近对奥克兰沿 SH16 从布里格姆溪到市中心的快速交通走廊的反馈总结显示,人们大力支持高效、可靠和快速的公共交通。 A recent summary of feedback on a rapid transit corridor in Auckland along SH16 from Brigham Creek to the city centre revealed strong support for efficient, reliable, and fast public transport. 据新西兰交通局 (NZTA) 称,去年向 NZTA 提供反馈的人中有 93% 表示支持 SH16 沿线的快速交通。 According to the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), 93% of people who provided feedback to NZTA last year expressed their support for rapid transit along SH16. 新西兰交通局正在研究该走廊的快速交通方案,旨在在西北地区和奥克兰启动一个转型项目。 The NZTA is investigating rapid transit options for the corridor with the aim of initiating a transformative project in the northwest and Auckland.