Maria Spiteri和Bernard Attard在涉及假身份证的欺诈案中被控洗钱、贩卖人口和伪造。 Maria Spiteri and Bernard Attard were charged with money laundering, human trafficking, and forgery in a fraud case involving fake IDs.
前雇员Maria Spiteri和汽车经销商Bernard Attard被控在涉及伪造身份证的诈骗中洗钱、贩运人口和伪造证件。 Former Identità employee Maria Spiteri and car dealer Bernard Attard were charged with money laundering, human trafficking, and forgery of documents in a racket involving fraudulent identity cards. 指称的阴谋发生在2019年至2023年期间。 The alleged conspiracy occurred between 2019 and 2023. 两人最初都获得保释,但后来被拒绝,法院命令冻结他们的资产。 Both were initially granted bail but were later denied, and the court ordered the freezing of their assets. 指控源于对第三国国民获取虚假居留证件的调查,其中涉及Spiteri和Attard获取和使用虚假证件。 The charges stem from an investigation into third-country nationals obtaining fraudulent residence documents, implicating Spiteri and Attard in obtaining and using false documents.