Cicero警察队长Edwin Hodson被控在车祸后醉酒驾车; Cicero Police Captain Edwin Hodson charged with drunk driving after crash; family faces cover-up charges.
Cicero警察上尉Edwin Hodson被控在圣诞节撞毁警车SUV后醉酒驾车。 Cicero Police Captain Edwin Hodson was charged with drunk driving after crashing his police SUV on Christmas Day. 他的妻子Lora最初被指控向警察撒谎,声称她是司机,而证人则说Hodson上尉正在开车。 His wife, Lora, was initially accused of lying to police, claiming she was the driver, while witnesses said Captain Hodson was driving. 两人连同其岳父一起因与该事件有关的掩盖事件而面临指控。 Both face charges, along with his father-in-law, for a cover-up related to the incident.