印第安纳州Kokomo发生致命事故,Vicky L. Hollingsworth在汽车撞上一辆警车后死亡;司机涉嫌中毒。 A fatal crash in Kokomo, Indiana, killed Vicky L. Hollingsworth after her car hit a police vehicle; driver suspected of intoxication.
星期三晚上11时30分,在印第安纳州Kokomo州第931号公路和Vaile大道交叉路口附近发生了一场致命的车祸。 55岁的Vicky L.Hollingsworth在与一辆警车撞车后在现场死亡。 A fatal crash occurred near the intersection of State Road 931 and Vaile Avenue in Kokomo, Indiana, on Wednesday night at 11:30 p.m. Vicky L. Hollingsworth, 55, died at the scene after the car she was in collided with a police vehicle. 这名警官Jeremiah Wilson试图避免碰撞,但撞到了Hollingsworth坐在那里的乘客一侧的汽车。 The police officer, Jeremiah Wilson, attempted to avoid the collision but struck the car on the passenger side, where Hollingsworth was seated. 该汽车的司机Timmothy A. Bergesen,32岁,涉嫌受酒精影响。 The driver of the car, Timmothy A. Bergesen, 32, is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. 他因伤而住院。 He was hospitalized for injuries. 调查仍在进行中,血液酒精测试结果尚未确定。 The investigation is ongoing, and the results of a blood alcohol test are pending. 该案件将由霍华德县检察官办公室审查。 The case will be reviewed by the Howard County Prosecutor's Office.