汽车在Arlington纪念桥坠毁后跳入波托马克;一人伤势严重,获救。 Car plunges into Potomac after crash on Arlington Memorial Bridge; one rescued in critical condition.
星期四晚上Arlington纪念桥发生车祸,导致一辆车掉入波托马克河。 A car crash on Arlington Memorial Bridge on Thursday evening led to one vehicle plunging into the Potomac River. 一名住客获救,伤势严重,被送往医院,第二辆车的另一人因轻伤接受了治疗。 One occupant was rescued and taken to a hospital in critical condition, while another person from the second car was treated for minor injuries. 该桥被关闭进行调查,官员敦促司机使用其他路线。 The bridge was closed for investigation, and officials urged drivers to use alternate routes. 美国公园警方正在调查这一事件。 The incident is under investigation by the U.S. Park Police.