在阿灵顿发生的一场致命车祸造成一人死亡,另外两人重伤,可能涉及酒精。 A fatal crash in Arlington killed one person and critically injured two others, possibly involving alcohol.
星期六清晨在阿灵顿发生致命事故,造成一人死亡,两重伤。 A fatal crash occurred in Arlington early Saturday morning, resulting in one death and two critical injuries. 一名31岁的男子在一辆宝马车袭击他和一名42岁的妇女试图帮助一名受困司机时死亡。 A 31-year-old man died after a BMW struck him and a 42-year-old woman while they were attempting to assist a stranded driver. 此次坠机事件还涉及一个失去控制的2016年现代Veloster。 The crash also involved a 2016 Hyundai Veloster that lost control. 警方正在调查,酒精是可能的因素之一。 Police are investigating, with alcohol being considered as a possible factor.