英格兰银行将更严格的银行资本规则推迟到2027年,引起不同的反应。 The Bank of England delays stricter bank capital rules until 2027, drawing mixed reactions.
英格兰银行将更严格地实施称为巴塞尔3.1的银行资本要求推迟了一年,直到2027年1月,原因是美国执行时间表的不确定性以及对竞争力和增长的关切。 The Bank of England has delayed the implementation of stricter bank capital requirements known as Basel 3.1 by a year, until January 2027, due to uncertainties about the US implementation timeline and concerns about competitiveness and growth. 这标志着这些改革的第二次拖延,其目的是在2008年金融危机后加强银行系统。 This marks the second delay for these reforms, designed to strengthen the banking system after the 2008 financial crisis. 这一决定受到银行的欢迎,但受到一些人的批评,认为它有可能削弱金融稳定。 The decision has been welcomed by banks but criticized by some for potentially weakening financial stability.