阿塞拜疆恢复了Hasanriz的广播,恢复了对该地区的电视和广播服务。 Azerbaijan revives broadcasting in Hasanriz, restoring TV and radio services to the region.
阿塞拜疆已经恢复了阿格达拉区的Hasanriz无线电电视广播站,该电台以前由于冲突而无法使用。 Azerbaijan has restored the Hasanriz Radio-Television Broadcasting Station in Aghdara district, previously unusable due to conflict. 该电台现在向Hasanriz及其周围地区广播8个电视频道,配有300瓦发射机和新天线。 The station now broadcasts eight television channels to Hasanriz and surrounding areas, equipped with a 300W transmitter and new antenna. 这一恢复是阿塞拜疆恢复被收回领土基础设施方案的一部分。 This restoration is part of Azerbaijan's program to revive infrastructure in reclaimed territories.