在伯明翰与另一名妇女争吵时被射杀的妇女;病情危及生命。 Woman shot during argument with another woman in Birmingham; condition is life-threatening.
一名妇女于星期三下午4时40分左右在伯明翰与另一名妇女发生争吵时被射中身受危及生命的枪伤。 A woman suffered life-threatening injuries after being shot during an argument with another woman in Birmingham on Wednesday around 4:40 p.m. 事件发生在S Ensley大道3200个街区。 The incident occurred in the 3200 block of Avenue S Ensley. 警察对现场作出了反应,受害者被赶到医院。 Police responded to the scene and the victim was rushed to the hospital. Birmingham警察局正在调查此案。 The case is under investigation by the Birmingham Police Department.