3名成年人在伯明翰被枪杀;警察通过Shot Spotter系统将事件联系起来。 Three adults were shot in Birmingham; police link incidents via a Shot Spotter system.
在伯明翰,三名成年人在射击探照系统发出警报后在不同地点被射杀。 In Birmingham, three adults were shot in separate locations following alerts from a Shot Spotter system. 在壳牌加油站发现一名男子有非致命伤害,在公寓发现两名妇女,其中一名有生命危险伤害。 A man with non-life-threatening injuries was found at a Shell gas station, while two women, one with life-threatening injuries, were found at an apartment. Birmingham警察局正在调查这一事件,他们认为这与此事有关。 The Birmingham Police Department is investigating the incident, which they believe is related. 迄今尚未逮捕任何人员。 No arrests have been made yet.