《华盛顿邮报》在员工骚乱和领导力挑战面前发布了新的任务说明。 The Washington Post unveils new mission statement amid employee unrest and leadership challenges.
《华盛顿邮报》推出了一项新的任务声明,“全美传奇故事”,目的是在内部动乱中团结其工作人员。 The Washington Post has introduced a new mission statement, "Riveting Storytelling for All of America," aimed at uniting its staff amid internal turmoil. 这是因为400多名雇员对CEO Will Lewis表示不满,并要求与业主Jeff Bezos会面。 This comes as over 400 employees expressed dissatisfaction with CEO Will Lewis and requested a meeting with owner Jeff Bezos. 新声明与公开口号“民主在黑暗中死亡”不同,并且是在最近顶级编辑离职和财务挫折之后发布的。 The new statement is separate from the public slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness," and follows recent departures of top editors and financial setbacks.