温哥华议员Adriane Carr辞职, 理由是工作环境“有毒”, Vancouver councillor Adriane Carr resigns, citing a "toxic" work environment, leading to costly by-elections.
温哥华自2011年以来服务时间最长的绿党议员Adriane Carr因对Sim市长及该市“有毒”工作环境的不满而辞职。 Adriane Carr, Vancouver's longest-serving Green Party councillor since 2011, has resigned due to frustrations with Mayor Ken Sim and the city's "toxic" work environment. Carr的辞呈 以及One City的Christine Boyle的辞呈 引发了一次双倍的补选 预计将花费200万美元左右 Carr's resignation, along with that of OneCity's Christine Boyle, triggers a double by-election expected to cost around $2 million. 选举可能表明选民认可或反对目前的市长政策。 The election may signal voter approval or opposition to the current mayor's policies.