美国在向死者支付的社会保障金中收回了3 100万美元,目的是永久查阅记录。 US recovers $31M in Social Security payments to deceased, aims for permanent access to records.
美国政府通过一个试点方案收回了3 100多万美元的社会保障付款,其中错误地向死者支付了款项。 The US government has recovered over $31 million in Social Security payments mistakenly paid to deceased individuals through a pilot program. 之所以能够做到这一点,是因为国会批准临时查阅社会保障管理局的死亡记录。 This was enabled by temporary access to the Social Security Administration's death records granted by Congress. 财务处计划在三年使用期内收回2.15亿美元以上的款项。 The Treasury projects to recover over $215 million during the three-year access period. 财政部官员已敦促长期使用,以减少欺诈,保护纳税人美元。 Treasury officials have urged for permanent access to reduce fraud and protect taxpayer dollars.