超过60%的菲律宾政府资金11.5M的受款人没有记录,引起欺诈问题。 Over 60% of recipients listed for $11.5M in Philippine government funds have no records, raising fraud concerns.
在被列为接受教育部和菲律宾副总统办公室秘密资金的677名个人中,60%以上的人没有国家统计数据库的记录。 Over 60% of the 677 individuals listed as recipients of confidential funds from the Department of Education and the Office of the Vice President in the Philippines have no records in the national statistics database. 这包括失踪的出生、婚姻和死亡证明,引起对潜在欺诈的担忧。 This includes missing birth, marriage, and death certificates, raising concerns about potential fraud. 从2022年到2023年总共拨付了6.125亿比索的资金,正由一个众议院小组审查。 The funds, totaling P612.5 million disbursed from 2022 to 2023, are under scrutiny by a House panel.