两名Waterbury男子因经营一家切片店而被捕,该店发现包括发动机在内的汽车零部件被盗。 Two Waterbury men were arrested for operating a chop shop, found with stolen car parts including engines.
在Waterbury、Melvin Mendez、33岁的Melvin Mendez和34岁的Ronal Breins的两人被逮捕,并被指控在警察在车库发现包括引擎和传输器在内的汽车零件被盗后经营一家切片店和盗窃。 Two men in Waterbury, Melvin Mendez, 33, and Ronal Breins, 34, were arrested and charged with operating a chop shop and larceny after police found stolen car parts, including an engine and transmission, in a garage. 逮捕是Waterbury警察局的自动盗窃股调查后逮捕的。 The arrests stem from an investigation by the Waterbury Police Department's Auto Theft Unit. 两名嫌疑人都持有100 000美元的债券,定于1月24日出庭。 Both suspects posted $100,000 bonds and are set to appear in court on January 24.