两名费城帮派成员对2020年SWAT警员在逮捕未遂期间的谋杀案认罪。 Two Philly gang members plead guilty to 2020 SWAT officer murder during arrest attempt.
两名费城人Hassan Elliott和Khalif Sears对2020年SWAT军官James O'Connor谋杀案认罪。 Two Philadelphia men, Hassan Elliott and Khalif Sears, have pleaded guilty to the 2020 murder of SWAT officer James O'Connor. 枪击事件发生时,警察试图逮捕艾略特和西尔斯,罪名是2019年一起杀人案。 The shooting occurred when police attempted to arrest Elliott and Sears for a 2019 homicide. 艾略特朝墙里开枪 击中奥康纳 Elliott fired shots through a wall, hitting O'Connor. 检察官说这些人是参与 费城弗兰克福德地区毒品买卖和枪击的团伙成员 Prosecutors say the men were part of a gang involved in drug sales and shootings in Philadelphia's Frankford area. Elliott面临55年至75年监禁,Sears面临35年至50年监禁。 Elliott faces 55 to 75 years in prison, while Sears faces 35 to 50 years. 奥康纳的遗孀说他的死是"毁了我们的生活" O'Connor's widow said his death had "ruined our lives."