2 D.C.警官因涉及Karon Hylton-Brown的2020年车辆死亡和掩盖而被判刑。 2 D.C. police officers receive sentences for 2020 vehicular death and cover-up involving Karon Hylton-Brown.
两名华盛顿警察因参与在2020年的一次鲁莽追逐中死亡20岁的Karon Hylton-Brown而被判刑。 Two Washington D.C. police officers have been sentenced for their involvement in the 2020 death of 20-year-old Karon Hylton-Brown during a reckless chase. Terence Sutton警官因二级谋杀罪被判5年零6个月监禁,前中尉Andrew Zabavsky因阴谋掩盖这一事件被判处4年监禁。 Officer Terence Sutton received 5 years and 6 months for second-degree murder, while former Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky was sentenced to 4 years for conspiracy to cover up the incident. 这两名军官被判犯有共谋和妨害司法罪。 Both officers were found guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. 他们仍然自由等待上诉。 They remain free pending appeals.