一名青少年在被指控被男性骚扰后自杀,在印度引发了关于“爱情圣战”的辩论。 Teen commits suicide after alleged harassment by men, igniting debate over "love jihad" in India.
一名来自印度Karnataka的15岁女孩,名叫Khushi,据称在受到两名试图强迫她建立关系的青年男子的酷刑之后自杀。 A 15-year-old girl from Karnataka, India, named Khushi, allegedly committed suicide after being subjected to torture by two young men who tried to force her into a relationship. 尽管她的家人发出警告,但据报告,这些男子继续骚扰她。 Despite warnings from her family, the men reportedly continued to harass her. 这起事件引发了一场关于“爱圣战”的争论, 这是一个争议性词汇, 暗示通过婚姻强迫改变信仰, This incident has sparked a debate over "love jihad," a controversial term suggesting forced conversions through marriage, though the police have previously dismissed such claims in similar cases.