印度一名 17 岁女孩及其情人被拘留。 A 17-year-old girl and lover detained in India.
印度坎瑙杰一名 17 岁女孩与情人因遭到父亲反对而谋杀其父亲(一名村庄发展官员),随后被拘留。 A 17-year-old girl and lover were detained in Kannauj, India, for allegedly murdering her father, a village development officer, due to opposition to their affair. 他们最初试图毒害这个家庭,但失败后,女孩用锯片杀死了她的父亲,并用锤子袭击了她的兄弟。 They initially tried to poison the family, but when that failed, the girl killed her father with a saw blade and attacked her brother with a hammer. 其他家属目前正在医院接受治疗,警方正在调查此案。 The other family members are receiving treatment in the hospital, and the police are investigating the crime.