嫌犯因在莱索托抢劫案中谋杀两名南非警察而被捕。 Suspect arrested for murdering two South African police officers during a robbery in Lesotho.
一名莱索托国民因谋杀两名自由州警官Sipho Mohapi和Gedione Motloung而被捕,他们于1月4日在应对一起家庭抢劫案时被杀。 A Lesotho national has been arrested for the murder of two Free State police officers, Sipho Mohapi and Gedione Motloung, who were killed while responding to a house robbery on January 4. 嫌犯用偷盗的电话和可疑的武器被发现,试图逃往莱索托时被抓获。 The suspect, found with a stolen phone and a suspected weapon, was caught attempting to flee to Lesotho. 他将面临谋杀、谋杀未遂和抢劫的指控。 He will face charges of murder, attempted murder, and robbery. 高级警官出席了这些警官的葬礼,目前正在寻找另外两名嫌疑犯。 The funerals for the officers were attended by high-ranking police officials, and the search for two other suspects is ongoing.