苏格兰议员托马斯·克尔 (Thomas Kerr) 脱离了尼格尔·法拉奇 (Nigel Farage) 的英国改革党, 理由是希望"真正的变革". Scottish councillor Thomas Kerr defects to Nigel Farage's Reform UK, citing desire for "real change."
苏格兰保守派议员托马斯·凯尔(Thomas Kerr)背叛了奈杰尔·法拉吉(Nigel Faraage)的英国改革党, Scottish Conservative councillor Thomas Kerr has defected to Nigel Farage's Reform UK party, citing a desire for "real change." 在格拉斯哥市议会领导保守党的科尔是离开保守党改革英国的最引人注目的成员。 Kerr, who led the Conservatives at Glasgow City Council, is the highest-profile member to leave the Tories for Reform UK. 苏格兰保守派领袖Russell Findlay将Kerr的叛逃称为「非常令人失望」, Scottish Conservative leader Russell Findlay called Kerr's defection "very disappointing," while Reform UK welcomed Kerr as a significant addition. 两党在苏格兰议会的席位数均为15个. A recent poll places both parties neck-and-neck with 15 seats each in the Scottish Parliament.