研究人员查明了一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质可以通过遗传疗法导致新的癌症治疗。 Researchers identified a protein that could lead to new cancer treatments through epigenetic therapies.
在约翰·霍普金斯和中国科学院的研究人员鉴定了老鼠蛋白质STELLA,该蛋白质会扰乱与结肠癌有关的基因中致癌化学变化。 Researchers at Johns Hopkins and the Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a mouse protein, STELLA, that disrupts cancer-causing chemical changes in genes linked to colorectal cancer. 通过针对特定的氨基酸,他们制定了在细胞线和鼠标模型中有效的药物战略。 By targeting specific amino acids, they developed a drug strategy effective in cell lines and mouse models. 这可能导致通过遗传疗法对各种癌症进行新治疗。 This could lead to new treatments for various cancers through epigenetic therapies.