Pololstar 发射Polestar 7号,这是一辆新的紧凑电动SUV, 目的是实现欧洲的大幅销售增长。 Polestar launches Polestar 7, a new compact electric SUV, aiming for significant sales growth in Europe.
瑞典电动汽车制造商Polestar宣布推出Polestar 7, 这是一款新的紧型SUV, Polestar, a Swedish electric carmaker, has announced the Polestar 7, a new compact SUV set to be built in Europe, aiming to boost sales and profitability. 该公司的目标是,从2025年到2027年,年销售增长率为30-35%,预期到2025-2027年将实现正财政指标。 The company aims for sales growth of 30-35% annually from 2025 to 2027 and expects to achieve positive financial metrics by 2025-2027. Polstar 7将加入模式2、3、4和即将到来的Pollstar 5, 计划扩大欧洲零售地点, 增加碳信用额收入。 Polestar 7 will join models 2, 3, 4, and the upcoming Polestar 5, with plans to expand retail locations in Europe and increase revenue from carbon credits.