Polstar开始在南卡罗来纳州生产电动Polristar 3 SUV, 目标是与特斯拉竞争。 Polestar begins producing its electric Polestar 3 SUV in South Carolina, aiming to compete with Tesla.
Polestar开始在南卡罗来纳州的Volvo工厂生产Pollstar 3 SUV。 Polestar has started producing its Polestar 3 SUV at a Volvo plant in South Carolina. 该车辆提供不同的配置,在279至350英里之间,加速时间各异,30分钟内可以补给10%至80%。 The vehicle offers different configurations with ranges from 279 to 350 miles, varying acceleration times, and can recharge from 10 to 80 percent in 30 minutes. Polestar 曾经是沃尔沃的合作伙伴,现在作为一个独立的电动品牌参与竞争,Polestar 2 和 4 也在其阵容中。 Polestar, once a Volvo partner, now competes as a standalone electric brand with the Polestar 2 and 4 also in its lineup. 尽管沃尔沃降低了其股份,但Polestar旨在吸引年轻买家,并与特斯拉等品牌竞争。 Despite Volvo reducing its stake, Polestar aims to attract younger buyers and compete with brands like Tesla.