在波士顿布里格姆和妇女医院附近的车辆碰撞中,Pedestrian受重伤。 Pedestrian seriously injured in vehicle collision near Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital.
星期五上午8时左右,一名行人在Brigham和波士顿妇女医院附近被一辆汽车击中,重伤。 A pedestrian was seriously injured after being hit by a vehicle near Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston on Friday morning around 8 a.m. 事件发生在Binney和Francis街的交叉口。 The incident occurred at the intersection of Binney and Francis streets. 受害者受了危及生命的伤,导致该地区交通中断。 The victim sustained life-threatening injuries, leading to traffic disruptions in the area. 当局正在调查该事件,预计将很快公布更多详情。 Authorities are investigating the incident, with more details expected to be released soon.