在南卡罗来纳州马里恩县41A号公路上被一辆汽车撞死;司机未受伤。 Pedestrian killed by a car on Highway 41A in Marion County, South Carolina; driver unharmed.
1月11日在南卡罗来纳州Marion县, 一名行人于凌晨1点左右在Sandhill路附近的41A公路上被一辆汽车撞死。 A pedestrian was killed on January 11th in Marion County, South Carolina, after being hit by a car around 1 a.m. on Highway 41A near Sandhill Road. 向南行驶的2017年雪佛兰马里布的司机没有受伤。 The driver of the 2017 Chevrolet Malibu, traveling south, was uninjured. 南卡罗来纳州公路巡逻队正在调查这一事件,行人身份的细节尚未公布。 The South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating the incident, and details about the pedestrian's identity have not been released.